Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Crack head madness

Some of these artists make it REALLY HARD to be a fan. I mean, I know I'm supposed to separate the art from their lives and I am fully aware of the medias ability to old school bicycle pump little stuff to gargantuan proportions...but GOT DAYUUUUUUUUUM!!!!

Get some fucking rehab dammit!!!. That song ain't even cute anymore. I can't reach for your albums anymore without images of your crackhead ass fuckin up the whole experience. You were supposed to be the chosen one on some Anakin Skywalker shit!! WTF!!


  1. I feel sorry for her parents because I am SURE they are sitting somewhere wondering where they went wrong LOL

  2. LMAO... she already tried rehab and failed it. She needs an exorcism.

  3. Bwahahaha that broad is a hot ass mess.

    But her album is one of my favorites. She gets a pass for lookin' like a drunk raccoon on the daily. lmao

  4. Ahhh shit fam, this is a bonafide crackhead in HD. lol

  5. Such a good artist...to bad she cant put down the bottle, needle , pipe and pills. Hope she survives her fame.
